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ParaDocs Foundation - Gives Back -
Bringing Meaning to Our Lives
What We Do

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ParaDocs Foundation is located in the heart of the Corn Belt in Western Iowa.
We celebrate the diversity of all who have come to add to our spiritual, healthy, educated and giving way of life.
Contact us to let us know your story and how you celebrate in our beautiful land.
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Board's Choice

Music Education

Use of Copyright Material

Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.

Music can cure where
medicine fails.
We highly value music in our giving program because it has given so much to us.
It offers riches to those who receive it.

We foster innovative health care projects that respect the human spirit.
We are two M.D.'s, an electrical engineering and computing PhD, an R.N., and a dedicated modeler.
Check back now and then to share our enthusiasm.
Contact Us
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